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Momma's Creamed Tuna on Toast

From the late 1940s through the 1960s, Momma (Mildred Brown Shaw) would make this dish in a double boiler. Lives were not as rushed back then. The following recipe produces the same result but does not use the double boiler.

  • Meat taste: 4-5 ounces packaged or canned tuna.
  • Additional liquid: 1 & 1/2 cups whole white milk.
  • Bread: none into liquid; intact toasted slices for "toast".
  • Taste enhancer #1: salt & coarse-ground pepper to taste.
  • Oil/grease/lipid/fat: butter (two tablespoons).
  • Thickener: 2 tablespoons all purpose flour.

PROCESS: Melt butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Stir flour into that melted butter until smooth. Then slowly stream the milk in while stirring or whisking continually Bring the mixture to a simmer and cook until thickened (about 5 minutes). Turn heat down to medium-low. Then stir in the tuna and add the salt & pepper to taste. Then let the temperature of the mix come back up until all very warm. HERE is cousin Chuck Jeffress in video showing the cooking process WITHOUT using a doublke boiler. Each one eating will have a piece of toast on their plate. Ladle some mixture onto each person's toast and enjoy!

Many think of this as a "hard times" recipe. In our family as I was growing up and eating this dish, we LOVED it when we had this for supper (and also loved supper that was canned salmon on grits with grated cheese on top). Also, check THIS, THIS (video), and THIS (video).

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(posted 12 November 2017; addition 20 February 2019)